For as long as I can remember, observation and experimentation have been my métier. Because my parents owned their own creative industries, I have been continually and inescapably surrounded by skilled artisans, designers and their materials. It is in these special places where I developed an expertise in experimentation and penchant for collecting organic artifacts. My collage and mixed media combine diverse elements including photographs, elements of nature, and textural ephemera which together extol tales of our eco-verse.
Surfacing 35 x 27 Gouache and Collage on paper
Robe View 12 x 14 Photo collage on paper
Floating Vessels 33 1/2 x 26 Gouache and collage on paper
Water Hyacinth 52 x 40 Collage on canvas
Disparate Memories 29 x 22 Gouache and collage on paper
Iktomie 12 x 14 Photocollage on paper
Phytoremediation 181/2 x 151/2 Photocollage on paper
Amuse Mixed Media on paper
Nautilus 18 1/2 x 15 1/2 Mixed Media on paper
Where Will They Go? 12 x 15 Mixed media on paper
In the Absence of Words 22 x 29 Mixed Media on paper
Sabah 12 x 14 Photocollage on paper