
It is not uncommon for a two- dimensional idea to grow outside of its confines, and transfigure into three-dimensional sculpture, using natural materials as components. Made of thoughtfully selected natural and found elements, these orchestrations made of natural materials are held together using techniques such as stitching, layering, weaving, folding, and entangling. These projects range in size, complexity, and dimension, the largest being installations that reflect organic rhythms or formations- similar to a tropism, wave, swarm, or spiral. 


Chrysalis is made of wire hangers. The wire hanger itself is insubstantial and lightweight, however in concert and with some finessing, create a strong, perfectly organic, cocoon-like formation. The most interesting aspects of these cocoon-like compositions are their graceful floaty-ness which can add an element of surprise to any setting without dominating the atmosphere, and when well illuminated in a dark space, the captivating shadows are endless.